
Human Factors Software as a Service

IHF-SaaS helps businesses enhance human performance from individual to organisational levels and navigate the negative impact of human factors issues using a wide range of proven tools.

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SCTA [Safety Critical Task Analysis]

The SCTA tool seamlessly integrates the core SCTA activities of Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) and Human Error Analysis (HEA) and provides reminders, checks, and recording of all aspects of the SCTA process in one centralised location.

How it Works:

HF-AIR Analyse - Investigate - Report

HF-AIR™ is a complete online incident investigation system. The integrated analysis tools provide a rich understanding of both technical failures and human behaviours that are pulled together using an interactive timeline. Because of the simplicity of the language, an investigator can easily pick up, use and understand the content.

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Our team will email to confirm.

Tel : 0131 201 2086

How it Works:

Key Benefits:
  • Upskill in human factors awareness and interviewing
  • Pinpoint system & cognitive origins of behaviours
  • Map how Critical Moments of incidents link to the end outcome
  • Develop specific & effective recommendations
  • Work quickly using our streamlined & intuitive analysis process
  • Produce quality automated reports
  • Identify the human factors trends impacting the business
  • Share industry human factors trends

SaaS Competencies

Zero Set-Up and Installation time

No License Costs, it’s subscription-based

Customisation of the tools available on-demand

Demo and Trial Available

Help Desk

  • Troubleshooting, maintenance, Q&A available
  • IHF trained investigators to support your investigation can be provided


  • A compulsory one-day interactive training course is provided for all users covering the core theory and functionality of HF-AIR™. An additional day can be added to cover other key topics such as interviewing skills
  • Half a day of coaching and review of a completed investigation is also required to become a fully certified HF-AIR™ user
  • Technical document available for both services