Effective toolbox talks

Effective toolbox talks

“A toolbox talk is an informal group discussion that focuses on a particular safety issue” (Harvard University)

As with all safety matters, there’s no point in having toolbox talks just for the sake of it.

Effective toolbox talks can save lives and are an important topic in Human Factors.

Toolbox talks are considered best practice for a number of high-risk industries including offshore energy and healthcare however, the talks themselves are often not carried out in the most efficient manner. This can lead to decay in focus and lack of participation during toolbox talks, which ultimately erodes their effectiveness as a safety tool.

At IHF we have created an infographic (below) highlighting the 5 rules we feel create the most effective toolbox talks. Often cultural or situational issues may affect one or more of these rules but as a general set they work as an effective guide for toolbox talks in your workplace.

Let us know what rules your workplace has for effective toolbox talks.

Effective Toolbox Talks